Saturday, April 26, 2008

FREE Stuff for the Business-Minded Dumpster Diver!

Next time you are checking out a dumpster in an affluent neighborhood ,why not leave one of these extremely cool calling cards? They're FREE for 250 of them:

A Quick Note on Self-Esteem & Television or, Stop Exposing Yourself to Consumer Culture!

From the Free Press:


"If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace.
- John Lennon"

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Man! This site is one of my favorites!
"Strategies for Sustainable Living Beyond Capitalism"


Even the most rabid consumer amongst us likes free stuff. Ever see an antique furniture piece sitting on the sidewalk in front of someone's home on trash pickup day? I have. It is now a refinished table that my chess set is displayed on!
I've posted some links to free stuff in the LINKS section.

FREE DVD's : Besides checking out DVD's at your public library, the mission of this site is "to establish as a premier online community that is committed to helping reduce the impact waste is having on the planet by trading the things we no longer use to get the things we want."
Check it out!

FREE (or cheap) PHONE CALLS from a computer:

I'll add more next time.

I Need A New Bike!

No you don't. Of all the stuff Americans buy new, a new bicycle makes absolutely NO sense. They're everywhere! People throw away new bikes! Saw one the other day sticking out of a dumpster! It wasn't brand new, but it was in awesome condition. Needed a seat. Tires were inflated. A scratch here and there. I pulled it out and gave it to someone I know will recycle it!

Check out Randy Jawa's site on breathing new life into an old bicycle! (See Link List)

New Lamp?

No, not really. Well, it looks new, but it was standing by the dumpster so it must not work. *CLICK* Hey wait! It does work! Wow! Wonder why someone would throw a new lamp away?

Stretch Your Paycheck--STOP BUYING SHIT!

Here's a fool-proof way to see more of your next paycheck: Stop buying stuff you don't need! I know. It's fun to buy stuff. We've been told we are supposed to. It's American to buy stuff! Ever see people at ____(insert your favorite department store name) with their baskets overflowing with stuff. They don't even look at what they're about to buy. More bath towels, more socks, another lamp. A clock. A four-slice toaster. They aimlessly wander through the store piling up stuff in such quantities that they sometimes have to send one of the kids back for another basket! It's become a national past time! By the time they've made it to the till to check out, they're tired, hungry and bitchy! Along the way they've decided there are a couple of items they figure they can live without so they stick it wherever it will fit. This is why you sometimes see a package of hot dogs squished in amongst the bath towels. Don't worry, the store crew will put them back in the refrigerator section later.
Here's a late disclaimer: I realize a LOT of what we buy is disposable. It's a major factor in our consumer-driven, throw-away oriented junk culture. Also, I could care less if anyone who can afford it wants to spend,spend, spend their earnings away on the latest junk to fill their houses with. The main point of this blog, (and you will see all the creative, cool ideas I come up with along the way) is to emphasize the notion that "it's all just stuff" and much of what is purchased is done so in a mindless fashion because the commercials on your new 47" LCD TV set tell you you have to have it!